Who are we?
The Finn Nørgaard Association of the 14th of February 2015 is a Danish charity, established by relatives and next of kin to Finn Nørgaard. In Finn’s spirit, the purpose of the association is to promote human understanding and dialogue. Click below to watch the film about us.

The association was established in 2015, shortly after the death of Finn. He was one of two victims of the terror attacks that took place in Copenhagen on the 14 – 15th of February 2015. The association is created to continue Finn’s work of helping disadvantaged kids and adolescents.
The mission is “to promote understanding and dialogue in order to counter conflicts like the one that took the life of Finn. The association especially focuses on kids and adolescents as well as people with social challenges“.

“Finn grew up in a harsh environment himself, where many of his peers suffered hard fates and ended up as criminals. He spend much of his life figuring out why some people never get a spot in the social community. That is why we help secure funds for disadvantaged kids and adolescents.
– Ole Mølgaard, board member
Exactly a year after the death of Finn Nørgaard, the association awarded it’s first charity award as well as DKK 50.000 to the organizaton Street Society.

Each year the association launches and supports initiatives that makes a difference. We work with dialogue, education and support. Click below to read more.
Benefactors & collaborators
The association is supported by, among others, the municipality of Copenhagen, Roskilde Festival Fonden, Merkur Andelskasse, BUPL, Det Danske Filminstitut, Trygfonden, Maj Invest as well as a number of private donors and organizations.

The association collaborates with @lliancen, which is comprised of, among others, Børns Vilkår, Skolelederforeningen, Nationalt Center for Forebyggelse af Ekstremisme, Trygfonden and Roskilde Festival Fonden.
Secretariat & board
The secretariat of the association consist of volunteers and secretariat director Pia Toftdal. On the board of the association is: Torben Larsen (chairman), Jesper Lynghus (vice chairman), Ole Mølgaard, Lars Lundbye, Elisabeth Lüders, Annette Blegvad, Steen Thomsen, Malene Trock Hempler and Mogens Nørgaard Knudsen.